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AHEAD International | Value In Mission

Supporting the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan & other parts of the world

Afghanistan stands in the middle of a profound humanitarian crisis resulting from decades of armed conflict, complex migration situation and economic crisis and massive unemployment. After the fall of the government, the basic needs for people such as health, education, economical systems and employment have reached an alarming status. Besides the immediate required help and support for Afghanistan there are many other parts in the world that need similar support.

Shortage of Local Healthcare Services

Ongoing conflicts have severely constrained the state systems and the government’s ability of Afghanistan to serve its people. Currently there are hardly any structured systems and services available in Afghanistan. Especially in the remote and less accessible areas of the country the situation has become very alarming.

For many years AHEAD International has executed serveral projects in Afghanistan and is in a position to continue these projects while adjusting to renewed settings and structures.

AHEAD’s history in Emergency Health Services

In the past decades AHEAD International has actively provided basic health and hygiene services to internally displaced people. AHEAD provided winterization services to people living under tents, constructed toilets, and delivered hygienic trainings aimed at reducing malicious diseases. In addition, AHEAD International has been in the frontline of delivery emergency aid services by implementing numerous emergency projects in response to floods, earthquakes, landslides, and people who have lost their houses during the civil war.

AHEAD international has a pool of humanitarian aid experts who are availalble to provide local support in response to emergency situations in Afghanistan and other countries that are in the need for similar support.

AHEAD’s history in Emergency Health Services

AHEAD was established by a group of experienced, professional and dedicated social workers in Afghanistan in 2008. The organization was registered as a nonprofit organization (NGO) with the Ministry of Economy of the government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

Due to the arisen recent situation, in 2021, the organization was registered as AHEAD International in Almere in the Netherlands. From the Netherlands AHEAD continues its mission and support for Afghanistan and other countries that are in the need of similar help and support.

AHEAD follows the following ethics in all of its interventions across the country:

  • Follow no harm policy;
  • Respect human dignity and local values;
  • Obliged to provide training to project staff before implementation of the project;
  • Obliged to ensure beneficiary, donor and other stakeholders satisfaction throughout the project implementation process;
  • Committed to act as per the agreed plan and follow donor instructions;
  • Committed to keep confidentiality;
  • Obliged to obtain beneficiaries consent on activities before launching;
  • Commitment to inform stakeholders on defects in the project work; and
  • Committed to provide accurate financial and technical reports. 

Recent projects

Over the past three decades Ahead International has been able to build up a well structured health and educational system. Due to the latest developments all these initiatives have come to a full stop due to the immediate stop of all funded initiatives. For this reason AHEAD has based its central office in the Netherlands. The office is linked to all partners and local colleagues in Afghanistan.

Unstability requires immediate support through renewed channels

Afghanistan has been witnessing continuous conflicts that have severely constrained state systems and the government’s ability to serve its people. Due to the recent developments legal services are not available anymore in the remote and less accessible areas of the country. The situation on healthcare services and support is alarming while at the same time urgent local help and support on the local level are necessary.

Eldery people, women and children have fallen back to an unknown status. Over the past decades many developmental programs were initiated to work on the women issues. However, women’s living conditions remains of great concern. The lack of women’s rights and domestic violence are considered to be the second biggest problem, particularly during the new era in Afghanistan with the recent conflict as the worst scenario one could think of. And more over many women can help and support to create a higher economical level while devoting their efforts to bring the educational and healthcare system to the required level.

Finance & Project Management Support

Due to its history and proven track record, AHEAD International has the financial and managerial capacity to manage large and complex projects at the international and national levels. Using Quick-Book software budgets are tracked and kept up-to-date on a real-time basis. All financial transactions carried out at the main office in the Netherlands while directly managing the local field offices. All transactions are recorded with receipts and transaction logs. All financial data are maintained in the main office for review and future audits.

AHEAD International’s financial accounts are subject to yearly, and project wise audits in line with AHEAD International’s policies and donor requirements. Between 2009 – 2020 AHEAD International recorded a remarkable growth in the financial resources of the organiza­tion, the turnover since then exceeded $7m.

Due to the renewed situation AHEAD is currently looking for new scenarios to continue their supporting activities in Afghanistan and is open for any support and help for this while picking up any previous and or new projects.

Basic Package of Health

Samangan, Takhar, Nuristan provinces

AHEAD International has implemented Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS-SEHATMANDI) in Samangan, Takhar and Nuristan provinces of Afghanistan. It managed 127 health facilities and 2475 health posts with total of 4950 employees.

These projects were funded by World Bank and provided accessible, affordable and equitable health care services to 35 million populations.

Midwifery schools

Local health in rural parts of Afghanistan

The community midwifery schools were the part of BPHS-SEHATMANDI projects, the programs were started in 2018. 250 midwifery students were enrolled in these schools and 60 graduated.

In order to contribute to the reduction of mortality and morbidity caused by common/ communicable diseases through the development of local health professionals in rural areas of Afghanistan, AHEAD International Implemented Community Health Nursing Education programs.

A Total of 110 community nurses were selected from all districts of Nuristan province to the program and 35 graduated.

Rebuilding the Healthcare & Training facilities in Afghanistan & other countries

Active since 2008

AHEAD International started its journey of serving Afghanistan in 2008, by the provision of short- and medium-term trainings to employees of the public and private sector in the areas of business management, and provision of technical and vocational training to job seekers and later it was expanded to over 50 small and large-scale development projects funded by major donors in Afghanistan.

Amsterdam & Kabul

AHEAD International employs a flattened hierarchy in its management structure that ensures direct managerial engagement with staff members at all levels including those in the field offices.

AHEAD International main office is currently based in the Amsterdam region in the Netherlands. It has a local office in Kabul, Afghanistan in order to offer full support.

Local and Global Support

AHEAD international believes that in order to effectively contribute to the development of societies, it is important to merge the theoretical knowledge of well-educated technical staff members with practical experience with those who have worked in the field and understand the local context well.

To this end, AHEAD believes their work needs to be continued regardless of the ongoing socio-cultural and political changes at the national and sub-national levels.


We need your help! By supporting our organization we can continue our mission to support Afghanistan.

Contact us by sending your enquiry.

Ahead-International INGO
Email: info@ahead-int.com
Phone: +31 (0)6 2647 1818
Website: www.ahead-int.com

©2024 AHEAD | a nonprofit organisation